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Adapting to new realities, with your support!

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All of us together are making a difference.
We’re seeing it.

 Together as a whole, from a range of circumstances, Project Genesis has been contributing to positive, practical differences in the lives of thousands of people this past year.

In March 2020, at the onset of the initial COVID-19 period, Project Genesis’ Storefront Individual Services centre transformed from a bustling drop-in centre to one where services were offered by phone, with extended hours. Project Genesis staff had the flexibility to also work from home. Under these new conditions, from mid-March to the end of May, the Storefront provided 1,580 interventions. Our Annual Report of June 2019 to May 2020 provides more details on Project Genesis’ individual services and community organizing responding to changing needs.

As of June 2020Storefront in-person appointments inside our building were added, following Public Health guidelines and in accordance with the province’s deconfinement plan. These are reserved for those situations where a phone intervention is not a possible or practical option.

Now, Project Genesis continues to help ensure that we keep our staff, volunteers, and community safe, while responding to changing realities and providing our services to those who need them. We sincerely appreciate all those who have contributed and continue to contribute to our work – it is truly a community effort!


Michael Chervin,
Executive Director

Thanks for reading, and supporting our work!

Project Genesis is a grassroots non-profit organization providing services free of charge to those in need.
We are able to accomplish so much thanks to our members, volunteers, and donors. 
Your donations are invaluable in supporting our work and contributing to our success!