14:12:002022-06-18 07:39:54Opinion: Quebec’s welfare reform bill is aiming at the wrong target 09:43:542022-06-10 11:43:15Do you want to apply for low-cost housing ?
“How far does the long arm of an original idea reach? Who knows where it will stop?” 17:09:002021-01-01 12:56:32How one good turn can lead to many others
“Some places try to discourage you when you ask for support, but at Project Genesis, you don’t feel judged; you feel welcomed. You can voice what is in your heart, and they listen, which is so nice. At Project Genesis, they encourage you.” 23:15:002020-12-31 08:58:21Encouragement and support through a long process
"That is how people's lives are saved - when they find out where in the community they can get help." 13:41:202021-01-01 12:54:26People living in poverty speaking out 09:54:172020-12-30 09:45:18Launch of the Blue Bonnets Forum Report and of a Conceptual Plan 19:11:002021-01-01 09:00:38Community Forum Report: Blue Bonnets: From Vision to Reality // 06/2015 11:56:172021-01-01 09:01:30Rapport : L’organisation d’une justice à deux vitesses // 06/2015 16:22:232021-01-01 06:58:43Délais inégaux à la Régie du logement
Opinion: Quebec’s welfare reform bill is aiming at the wrong target
Do you want to apply for low-cost housing ?
How one good turn can lead to many others
Encouragement and support through a long process
People living in poverty speaking out
Launch of the Blue Bonnets Forum Report and of a Conceptual Plan
Community Forum Report: Blue Bonnets: From Vision to Reality // 06/2015
Rapport : L’organisation d’une justice à deux vitesses // 06/2015
Délais inégaux à la Régie du logement
Report launch and press conference