
Perseverance and helping others
"I am learning a lot and I am meeting a lot of different people. Seeing different things and learning makes a lot of difference in my life."

Help with addressing financial difficulties
"I am trying to survive with these struggles in my life and I am very thankful to Genesis for helping.”

Encouragement and support through a long process
“Some places try to discourage you when you ask for support, but at Project Genesis, you don’t feel judged; you feel welcomed. You can voice what is in your heart, and they listen, which is so nice. At Project Genesis, they encourage you.”

The Storefront: Sorting out welfare woes
When Ms. B.'s monthly welfare cheque was somewhat mysteriously cut by over $400, she was referred to Project Genesis by a friend.

Opening new avenues of hope
"It felt good to provide information concerning financial assistance and housing options, empowering her to make effective change in her life.”

Obtaining benefits for a single mother in a time of crisis
"We were able to ensure that welfare would take the place of the job training payments during her period of treatment and convalescence."

Standing in solidarity with those in difficulty
"Project Genesis is unique in the way it situates individuals (often experiencing significant difficulties) in the context of a community, ready to stand with them and equip them to take action."

Solving problems
"The complexity of this case, coupled with Ms D’s marginalized status as an elderly person without strong English or French language skills, suggests that without our intervention, Ms D may never have received welfare."